Blue Spiral Lampwork Czech Glass, Sterling Silver Artisan Ear Wires - product images  of
Blue Spiral Lampwork Czech Glass, Sterling Silver Artisan Ear Wires - product images  of
Blue Spiral Lampwork Czech Glass, Sterling Silver Artisan Ear Wires - product images  of
Blue Spiral Lampwork Czech Glass, Sterling Silver Artisan Ear Wires - product images  of
Blue Spiral Lampwork Czech Glass, Sterling Silver Artisan Ear Wires - product images  of

Blue Spiral Lampwork Czech Glass, Sterling Silver Artisan Ear Wires

When I found these 31 mm lampwork glass beads made in the Czech Republic, I had to have them! Beautiful dark blue swirls inside the transparent lighter blue glass beads, in a alluring shape, framed with sterling silver beads and topped off with Swarovski Crystals.

I make my own ear wires from scratch. Made with 20 gauge sterling silver wire, I have shaped these ear wires in pairs here in my home studio. I file and de-bur the ends by hand for a comfortable fit. Then the ear wires are hammered for strength. Finally, I polish them to a shine by hand. Go ahead, take a look at the close up shot and see for yourself! =)

These are ready to ship and you receive the exact pair pictured here.
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