Aanraku Keychain, Daisies - product images  of
Aanraku Keychain, Daisies - product images  of
Aanraku Keychain, Daisies - product images  of
Aanraku Keychain, Daisies - product images  of
Aanraku Keychain, Daisies - product images  of

Aanraku Keychain, Daisies

Here is a very nice, high quality keychain that will last you a long time. The key fob component is Aanraku brand, which is highly respected in the glass and jewelry-making industry.

I've used an epoxy seal to protect the flower image. I have many images available, so send me a convo if you're interested in a particular color combination.

This keychain was included in a Treasury: http://www.etsy.com/treasury/4d5078f32a948eefa41f028d/i-am-sooo-ready-for-spring-arent-you

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product images  of
product images  of
product images  of
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